Thursday, July 30, 2009

Go With A Flow...

To let go doesn't mean to stop Caring,

It means care unconditionally without any expectations.

To let go is not to care for, but to care about.

To let go is not to feel awful about myself..

It's the realization that I can't control another...

I can only renovate myself.

To let go is not to permit,

but to allow learning from innate consequences.

To let go is not to fix, but to be encouraging.

To let go is not to judge,

but to endure another to be a human being.

To let go is not to deny, but to accept.

To let go is not to irritate, scold, or argue,

but to explore out my own weakness and correct them.

To let go is not to adjust everything to my wishes,

but to take each day as it comes and relish the moments.

To let go is not to lament the past,

but to grow and live for the future.

To let go LOVE more and HATE none.


Makk said...

Zindagi jeena humein aata nahi
khul ke rona humien ata nahi
e dost tu khushnaseeb hai
kambhqt ishaq na karna tujhe aata nahi

Shas said...

Life would have been simpler had we learnt to let go of things that easily.